Module deepsegment.deepsegment
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from keras.models import model_from_json
import numpy as np
from seqtag_keras.layers import CRF
import pydload
import pickle
import os
import logging
import time
import glob
is_tfserving_installed = True
import grpc
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants
from tensorflow_serving.apis import predict_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2_grpc
except Exception as ex:
is_tfserving_installed = False
logging.warn("Tensorflow serving is not installed. Cannot be used with tesnorflow serving docker images.")
logging.warn("Run pip install tensorflow-serving-api==1.12.0 if you want to use with tf serving.")
model_links = {
'en': {
'checkpoint': '',
'utils': '',
'params': ''
'fr': {
'checkpoint': '',
'utils': '',
'params': ''
'it': {
'checkpoint': '',
'utils': '',
'params': ''
lang_code_mapping = {
'english': 'en',
'french': 'fr',
'italian': 'it'
def chunk(l, n):
Chunk a list l into chunks of equal size n
l (list): List (of any items) to be chunked.
n (int): size of each chunk.
list: Return list os lists (chunks)
chunked_l = []
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
chunked_l.append(l[i:i + n])
if not chunked_l:
chunked_l = [l]
return chunked_l
def predict_response_to_array(response, output_tensor_name):
Convert response from tf-serving to np array (keras model.predict format)
dims = response.outputs[output_tensor_name].tensor_shape.dim
shape = tuple(d.size for d in dims)
return np.reshape(response.outputs[output_tensor_name].float_val, shape)
def get_tf_serving_respone(seqtag_model, x):
Make GRPC call to tfserving server and read it's output.
channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:8500")
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel)
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() = seqtag_model
request.model_spec.signature_name = signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
request.inputs["word-input"].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x[0], dtype="int32", shape=None))
request.inputs["char-input"].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x[1], dtype="int32", shape=None))
response =stub.Predict(request, 20)
preds = predict_response_to_array(response, "prediction")
preds = [np.argmax(_tags, axis=1).tolist() for _tags in preds]
return preds
class DeepSegment():
seqtag_model = None
data_converter = None
def __init__(self, lang_code='en', checkpoint_path=None, params_path=None, utils_path=None, tf_serving=False, checkpoint_name=None):
Initialize deepsegment
lang_code (str): Name or code of the language. (default is english)
checkpoint_path (str): If using with custom models, pass the custom model checkpoint path and set lang_code=None
params_path (str): See checkpoint_path.
utils_path (str): See checkpoint_path.
tf_serving (bool): If using with tf_serving docker image, set to True.
checkpoint_name (str): If using with finetuned models use this.
if lang_code:
if lang_code not in model_links and lang_code in lang_code_mapping:
lang_code = lang_code_mapping[lang_code]
if lang_code not in model_links:
print("DeepSegment doesn't support '" + lang_code + "' yet.")
print("Please raise a issue at to add this language into future checklist.")
return None
# loading the model
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
lang_path = os.path.join(home, '.DeepSegment_' + lang_code)
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'checkpoint')
if checkpoint_name:
if not checkpoint_name.startswith('checkpoint_'):
checkpoint_name = 'checkpoint_' + checkpoint_name
finetuned_checkpoint_path = os.path.join(lang_path, checkpoint_name)
if not os.path.exists(finetuned_checkpoint_path):
print('There is no file present at', finetuned_checkpoint_path)
print('All the files present at that path are:', glob.glob(lang_path + '/*'))
print('Loading the default checkpoint')
checkpoint_path = finetuned_checkpoint_path
other_checkpoints = glob.glob(checkpoint_path + '_*')
if other_checkpoints:
other_checkpoints = [i.split('/')[-1] for i in other_checkpoints]
print("NOTE: There are multiple checkpoints present for this language.")
print('Default checkpoint is currently being used.')
print('To use a different checkpoint, use DeepSegment("en", checkpoint_name=name_of_the_checkpoint)')
utils_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'utils')
params_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'params')
if not os.path.exists(lang_path):
if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path) and not tf_serving:
print('Downloading checkpoint', model_links[lang_code]['checkpoint'], 'to', checkpoint_path)
pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['checkpoint'], save_to_path=checkpoint_path, max_time=None)
if not os.path.exists(utils_path):
print('Downloading preprocessing utils', model_links[lang_code]['utils'], 'to', utils_path)
pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['utils'], save_to_path=utils_path, max_time=None)
if not os.path.exists(params_path):
print('Downloading model params', model_links[lang_code]['utils'], 'to', params_path)
pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['params'], save_to_path=params_path, max_time=None)
if not tf_serving:
DeepSegment.seqtag_model = model_from_json(open(params_path).read(), custom_objects={'CRF': CRF})
elif tf_serving:
if not is_tfserving_installed:
logging.exception("Tensorflow serving is not installed. Cannot be used with tesnorflow serving docker images.")
logging.exception("Run pip install tensorflow-serving-api==1.12.0 if you want to use with tf serving.")
DeepSegment.seqtag_model = 'deepsegment_' + lang_code
DeepSegment.data_converter = pickle.load(open(utils_path, 'rb'))
def segment(self, sents):
segment a list of sentences or single sentence
sents (list or str): List (or single) of sentences to be segmented.
list: Return list or list of lists of segmented sentenes.
if not DeepSegment.seqtag_model:
print('Please load the model first')
string_output = False
if not isinstance(sents, list):
logging.warn("Batch input strings for faster inference.")
string_output = True
sents = [sents]
sents = [sent.strip().split() for sent in sents]
max_len = len(max(sents, key=len))
if max_len >= 40:
logging.warn("Consider using segment_long for longer sentences.")
encoded_sents = DeepSegment.data_converter.transform(sents)
if not isinstance(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, type('')):
all_tags = DeepSegment.seqtag_model.predict(encoded_sents)
all_tags = [np.argmax(_tags, axis=1).tolist() for _tags in all_tags]
all_tags = get_tf_serving_respone(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, encoded_sents)
segmented_sentences = [[] for _ in sents]
for sent_index, (sent, tags) in enumerate(zip(sents, all_tags)):
segmented_sent = []
for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(zip(sent, tags)):
if tag == 2 and i > 0 and segmented_sent:
segmented_sent = ' '.join(segmented_sent)
segmented_sent = []
if segmented_sent:
segmented_sentences[sent_index].append(' '.join(segmented_sent))
if string_output:
return segmented_sentences[0]
return segmented_sentences
def segment_long(self, sent, n_window=None):
Segment a longer text
sent (str): Input text.
n_window (int): window size (words) for iterative segmentation.
list: Return list of sentences.
if not n_window:
logging.warn("Using default n_window=10. Set this parameter based on your data.")
n_window = 10
if isinstance(sent, list):
logging.error("segment_long doesn't support batching as of now. Batching will be added in a future release.")
return None
segmented = []
sent = sent.split()
prefix = []
while sent:
current_n_window = n_window - len(prefix)
if current_n_window <= 0:
current_n_window = n_window
window = prefix + sent[:current_n_window]
sent = sent[current_n_window:]
segmented_window = self.segment([' '.join(window)])[0]
segmented += segmented_window[:-1]
prefix = segmented_window[-1].split()
if prefix:
segmented.append(' '.join(prefix))
return segmented
def chunk(l, n)
Chunk a list l into chunks of equal size n
Parameters: l (list): List (of any items) to be chunked. n (int): size of each chunk.
Returns: list: Return list os lists (chunks)
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def chunk(l, n): """ Chunk a list l into chunks of equal size n Parameters: l (list): List (of any items) to be chunked. n (int): size of each chunk. Returns: list: Return list os lists (chunks) """ chunked_l = [] for i in range(0, len(l), n): chunked_l.append(l[i:i + n]) if not chunked_l: chunked_l = [l] return chunked_l
def get_tf_serving_respone(seqtag_model, x)
Make GRPC call to tfserving server and read it's output.
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def get_tf_serving_respone(seqtag_model, x): """ Make GRPC call to tfserving server and read it's output. """ channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:8500") stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel) request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() = seqtag_model request.model_spec.signature_name = signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY request.inputs["word-input"].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x[0], dtype="int32", shape=None)) request.inputs["char-input"].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x[1], dtype="int32", shape=None)) response =stub.Predict(request, 20) preds = predict_response_to_array(response, "prediction") preds = [np.argmax(_tags, axis=1).tolist() for _tags in preds] return preds
def predict_response_to_array(response, output_tensor_name)
Convert response from tf-serving to np array (keras model.predict format)
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def predict_response_to_array(response, output_tensor_name): """ Convert response from tf-serving to np array (keras model.predict format) """ dims = response.outputs[output_tensor_name].tensor_shape.dim shape = tuple(d.size for d in dims) return np.reshape(response.outputs[output_tensor_name].float_val, shape)
class DeepSegment (lang_code='en', checkpoint_path=None, params_path=None, utils_path=None, tf_serving=False, checkpoint_name=None)
Initialize deepsegment
lang_code (str): Name or code of the language. (default is english)
checkpoint_path (str): If using with custom models, pass the custom model checkpoint path and set lang_code=None
params_path (str): See checkpoint_path.
utils_path (str): See checkpoint_path.
tf_serving (bool): If using with tf_serving docker image, set to True.
checkpoint_name (str): If using with finetuned models use this.
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class DeepSegment(): seqtag_model = None data_converter = None def __init__(self, lang_code='en', checkpoint_path=None, params_path=None, utils_path=None, tf_serving=False, checkpoint_name=None): """ Initialize deepsegment Parameters: lang_code (str): Name or code of the language. (default is english) checkpoint_path (str): If using with custom models, pass the custom model checkpoint path and set lang_code=None params_path (str): See checkpoint_path. utils_path (str): See checkpoint_path. tf_serving (bool): If using with tf_serving docker image, set to True. checkpoint_name (str): If using with finetuned models use this. """ if lang_code: if lang_code not in model_links and lang_code in lang_code_mapping: lang_code = lang_code_mapping[lang_code] if lang_code not in model_links: print("DeepSegment doesn't support '" + lang_code + "' yet.") print("Please raise a issue at to add this language into future checklist.") return None # loading the model home = os.path.expanduser("~") lang_path = os.path.join(home, '.DeepSegment_' + lang_code) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'checkpoint') if checkpoint_name: if not checkpoint_name.startswith('checkpoint_'): checkpoint_name = 'checkpoint_' + checkpoint_name finetuned_checkpoint_path = os.path.join(lang_path, checkpoint_name) if not os.path.exists(finetuned_checkpoint_path): print('There is no file present at', finetuned_checkpoint_path) print('All the files present at that path are:', glob.glob(lang_path + '/*')) print('Loading the default checkpoint') else: checkpoint_path = finetuned_checkpoint_path else: other_checkpoints = glob.glob(checkpoint_path + '_*') if other_checkpoints: other_checkpoints = [i.split('/')[-1] for i in other_checkpoints] print('\n==============================================================================================================') print("NOTE: There are multiple checkpoints present for this language.") print(other_checkpoints) print('Default checkpoint is currently being used.') print('To use a different checkpoint, use DeepSegment("en", checkpoint_name=name_of_the_checkpoint)') print('==============================================================================================================\n') utils_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'utils') params_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'params') if not os.path.exists(lang_path): os.mkdir(lang_path) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path) and not tf_serving: print('Downloading checkpoint', model_links[lang_code]['checkpoint'], 'to', checkpoint_path) pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['checkpoint'], save_to_path=checkpoint_path, max_time=None) if not os.path.exists(utils_path): print('Downloading preprocessing utils', model_links[lang_code]['utils'], 'to', utils_path) pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['utils'], save_to_path=utils_path, max_time=None) if not os.path.exists(params_path): print('Downloading model params', model_links[lang_code]['utils'], 'to', params_path) pydload.dload(url=model_links[lang_code]['params'], save_to_path=params_path, max_time=None) if not tf_serving: DeepSegment.seqtag_model = model_from_json(open(params_path).read(), custom_objects={'CRF': CRF}) DeepSegment.seqtag_model.load_weights(checkpoint_path) elif tf_serving: if not is_tfserving_installed: logging.exception("Tensorflow serving is not installed. Cannot be used with tesnorflow serving docker images.") logging.exception("Run pip install tensorflow-serving-api==1.12.0 if you want to use with tf serving.") exit() DeepSegment.seqtag_model = 'deepsegment_' + lang_code DeepSegment.data_converter = pickle.load(open(utils_path, 'rb')) def segment(self, sents): """ segment a list of sentences or single sentence Parameters: sents (list or str): List (or single) of sentences to be segmented. Returns: list: Return list or list of lists of segmented sentenes. """ if not DeepSegment.seqtag_model: print('Please load the model first') string_output = False if not isinstance(sents, list): logging.warn("Batch input strings for faster inference.") string_output = True sents = [sents] sents = [sent.strip().split() for sent in sents] max_len = len(max(sents, key=len)) if max_len >= 40: logging.warn("Consider using segment_long for longer sentences.") encoded_sents = DeepSegment.data_converter.transform(sents) if not isinstance(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, type('')): all_tags = DeepSegment.seqtag_model.predict(encoded_sents) all_tags = [np.argmax(_tags, axis=1).tolist() for _tags in all_tags] else: all_tags = get_tf_serving_respone(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, encoded_sents) segmented_sentences = [[] for _ in sents] for sent_index, (sent, tags) in enumerate(zip(sents, all_tags)): segmented_sent = [] for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(zip(sent, tags)): if tag == 2 and i > 0 and segmented_sent: segmented_sent = ' '.join(segmented_sent) segmented_sentences[sent_index].append(segmented_sent) segmented_sent = [] segmented_sent.append(word) if segmented_sent: segmented_sentences[sent_index].append(' '.join(segmented_sent)) if string_output: return segmented_sentences[0] return segmented_sentences def segment_long(self, sent, n_window=None): """ Segment a longer text Parameters: sent (str): Input text. n_window (int): window size (words) for iterative segmentation. Returns: list: Return list of sentences. """ if not n_window: logging.warn("Using default n_window=10. Set this parameter based on your data.") n_window = 10 if isinstance(sent, list): logging.error("segment_long doesn't support batching as of now. Batching will be added in a future release.") return None segmented = [] sent = sent.split() prefix = [] while sent: current_n_window = n_window - len(prefix) if current_n_window <= 0: current_n_window = n_window window = prefix + sent[:current_n_window] sent = sent[current_n_window:] segmented_window = self.segment([' '.join(window)])[0] segmented += segmented_window[:-1] prefix = segmented_window[-1].split() if prefix: segmented.append(' '.join(prefix)) return segmented
Class variables
var data_converter
var seqtag_model
def segment(self, sents)
segment a list of sentences or single sentence
Parameters: sents (list or str): List (or single) of sentences to be segmented.
Returns: list: Return list or list of lists of segmented sentenes.
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def segment(self, sents): """ segment a list of sentences or single sentence Parameters: sents (list or str): List (or single) of sentences to be segmented. Returns: list: Return list or list of lists of segmented sentenes. """ if not DeepSegment.seqtag_model: print('Please load the model first') string_output = False if not isinstance(sents, list): logging.warn("Batch input strings for faster inference.") string_output = True sents = [sents] sents = [sent.strip().split() for sent in sents] max_len = len(max(sents, key=len)) if max_len >= 40: logging.warn("Consider using segment_long for longer sentences.") encoded_sents = DeepSegment.data_converter.transform(sents) if not isinstance(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, type('')): all_tags = DeepSegment.seqtag_model.predict(encoded_sents) all_tags = [np.argmax(_tags, axis=1).tolist() for _tags in all_tags] else: all_tags = get_tf_serving_respone(DeepSegment.seqtag_model, encoded_sents) segmented_sentences = [[] for _ in sents] for sent_index, (sent, tags) in enumerate(zip(sents, all_tags)): segmented_sent = [] for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(zip(sent, tags)): if tag == 2 and i > 0 and segmented_sent: segmented_sent = ' '.join(segmented_sent) segmented_sentences[sent_index].append(segmented_sent) segmented_sent = [] segmented_sent.append(word) if segmented_sent: segmented_sentences[sent_index].append(' '.join(segmented_sent)) if string_output: return segmented_sentences[0] return segmented_sentences
def segment_long(self, sent, n_window=None)
Segment a longer text
Parameters: sent (str): Input text. n_window (int): window size (words) for iterative segmentation.
Returns: list: Return list of sentences.
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def segment_long(self, sent, n_window=None): """ Segment a longer text Parameters: sent (str): Input text. n_window (int): window size (words) for iterative segmentation. Returns: list: Return list of sentences. """ if not n_window: logging.warn("Using default n_window=10. Set this parameter based on your data.") n_window = 10 if isinstance(sent, list): logging.error("segment_long doesn't support batching as of now. Batching will be added in a future release.") return None segmented = [] sent = sent.split() prefix = [] while sent: current_n_window = n_window - len(prefix) if current_n_window <= 0: current_n_window = n_window window = prefix + sent[:current_n_window] sent = sent[current_n_window:] segmented_window = self.segment([' '.join(window)])[0] segmented += segmented_window[:-1] prefix = segmented_window[-1].split() if prefix: segmented.append(' '.join(prefix)) return segmented